The history of ANTARIS...

...began in 1993 when Uwe Siebert came back from Goa with the idea in his luggage of organizing an open-air party based on the legendary parties on the beach of Anjuna. That was the birth of the "Goa parties" in Germany. With a lot of perseverance, Uwe turned the ANTARIS into an impressive festival that today enchants guests with Psy-Trance from Friday to Monday.
Since 2005, ANTARIS has been held annually in Havelland at the oldest airfield in the world. This is the commonality of two pioneers: Otto Lilienthal, who made humanity fly and Uwe Siebert, who makes thousands of electronic music fans fly every year!
Goa - the place to be!
Embedded in the wide landscape of the Westhavelland Nature Park, in the middle of the "Rhinower Ländchen", is the Otto-Lilienthal airfield. Where the aviation pioneer once became the first person to take off in a self-made aircraft, a colorful adventure playground for adults is being created year after year. Black light installations and psychedelic decoration, based on the hippies of the 60s, create the framework for a wild festival, to which DJs and Live Acts heat up the dance-lovers to the trance dance.

A huge campsite, two dance floors, a large market area with food, clothing and jewelry - and the Spiritual Circle for all those seeking meaning and for chilling out - allow guests to forget everyday life for a weekend and immerse themselves in the depths of electronic music.
This is the magic of ANTARIS!
Nothing can be counteracted by their attraction. It takes possession of you, makes your eyes shine and your heart beat faster. It makes your legs dance, you can't resist. You don't want it either.
The following gallery is a mixture of the most beautiful photos of the last two years and the most beautiful dance floors since 2005 on the Otto Lilienthal airfield. You can go forward and back with the arrow keys in the picture or double-click to view the photos in large. The largest photo collection can be found on our Facebook profile.